videojs.Vlc = videojs.MediaTechController.extend({ init: function (player, options, ready) {, player, options, ready); var source = options.source; // Generate ID for vlc object var objId = + '_vlc_api'; var self = this; this.player_ = player; // Merge default parames with ones passed in var params = videojs.util.mergeOptions({ 'animationatstart': 'true', 'transparentatstart': 'true', 'windowless': 'true', 'controls': 'false', 'bgcolor': '#000000', 'autostart': player.options().autoplay ? 'true' : 'false', 'allowfullscreen': 'true', 'text': 'Video.js VLC plug-in' }, options.params); if (source) { params.source = source.src; this.ready(function() { this.setSrc(source.src); if (player.options().autoplay) {; } }); } // Merge default attributes with ones passed in var attributes = videojs.util.mergeOptions({ 'id': objId, 'name': objId, // Both ID and Name needed or xap to identify itself 'class': 'vjs-tech' }, options.attributes); var parentEl = options.parentEl; var placeHolder = this.el_ = videojs.Component.prototype.createEl('div', {id: + 'temp_vlc'}); // Add placeholder to player div if (parentEl.firstChild) { parentEl.insertBefore(placeHolder, parentEl.firstChild); } else { parentEl.appendChild(placeHolder); } player.on('fullscreenchange', function() { // Workaround to force vmem to resize the video var pos = self.getApi().input.position; self.getApi().playlist.stop(); self.getApi(); self.getApi().input.position = pos; }); // Having issues with VLC reloading on certain page actions (hide/resize/fullscreen) in certain browsers // This allows resetting the playhead when we catch the reload if (options.startTime) { this.ready(function(){ this.load();; this.currentTime(options.startTime); }); } player.ready(function() { //player.trigger('loadstart'); }); this.el_ = videojs.Vlc.embed(placeHolder, params, attributes); = this; // Add VLC events videojs.Vlc.registerEvent(this.getApi(), 'MediaPlayerOpening', function() { player.trigger('loadstart'); }); videojs.Vlc.registerEvent(this.getApi(), 'MediaPlayerBuffering', function() { player.trigger('loadeddata'); // Notify video.js to refresh some data from VLC player.trigger('volumechange'); }); videojs.Vlc.registerEvent(this.getApi(), 'MediaPlayerPlaying', function() { player.trigger('play'); player.trigger('playing'); }); videojs.Vlc.registerEvent(this.getApi(), 'MediaPlayerPaused', function() { player.trigger('pause'); }); videojs.Vlc.registerEvent(this.getApi(), 'MediaPlayerStopped', function() { player.trigger('pause'); player.trigger('ended'); }); videojs.Vlc.registerEvent(this.getApi(), 'MediaPlayerEndReached', function() { player.trigger('pause'); player.trigger('ended'); }); videojs.Vlc.registerEvent(this.getApi(), 'MediaPlayerTimeChanged', function() { player.trigger('timeupdate'); }); videojs.Vlc.registerEvent(this.getApi(), 'MediaPlayerPositionChanged', function() { player.trigger('progress'); }); videojs.Vlc.registerEvent(this.getApi(), 'MediaPlayerLengthChanged', function() { player.trigger('durationchange'); }); // VLC plug-in doesn't have 'ready' event. We assume it is ready after few milliseconds setTimeout(function() { self.triggerReady(); }, 100); } }); videojs.Vlc.prototype.params = []; videojs.Vlc.prototype.dispose = function () { if (this.el_) { this.el_.parentNode.removeChild(this.el_); }; }; videojs.Vlc.prototype.src = function (src) { if (src === undefined) { return this.currentSrc(); } // Setting src through `src` not `setSrc` will be deprecated return this.setSrc(src); }; videojs.Vlc.prototype.setSrc = function(src){ src = videojs.Vlc.getAbsoluteURL(src); this.getApi().playlist.items.clear(); this.getApi().playlist.add(src); }; videojs.Vlc.prototype.currentSrc = function() { if (this.currentSource_) { return this.currentSource_.src; } else { return this.getApi().playlist.items[this.getApi().playlist.currentItem]; } }; videojs.Vlc.prototype.load = function() { // Done automatically }; videojs.Vlc.prototype.poster = function(){ this.el_.vjs_getProperty('poster'); }; videojs.Vlc.prototype.setPoster = function(){ // poster images are not handled by the VLC tech so make this a no-op }; = function() { this.getApi(); }; videojs.Vlc.prototype.ended = function() { var state = this.getApi().input.state; return (state === 6 /* ENDED */ || state === 7 /* ERROR */); }; videojs.Vlc.prototype.pause = function() { this.getApi().playlist.pause(); }; videojs.Vlc.prototype.paused = function() { var state = this.getApi().input.state; return (state === 4 /* PAUSED */ || state === 6 /* ENDED */); }; videojs.Vlc.prototype.currentTime = function() { return (this.getApi().input.time / 1000); }; videojs.Vlc.prototype.setCurrentTime = function(seconds) { this.getApi().input.time = (seconds * 1000); }; videojs.Vlc.prototype.duration = function () { return (this.getApi().input.length / 1000); }; videojs.Vlc.prototype.buffered = function () { // Not supported return []; }; videojs.Vlc.prototype.volume = function () { return this.getApi().audio.volume / 100; }; videojs.Vlc.prototype.setVolume = function (percentAsDecimal) { if (percentAsDecimal) { this.getApi().audio.volume = percentAsDecimal * 100; } }; videojs.Vlc.prototype.muted = function () { return this.getApi().audio.mute; }; videojs.Vlc.prototype.setMuted = function (muted) { this.getApi().audio.mute.mute = muted; }; videojs.Vlc.prototype.supportsFullScreen = function () { return true; }; videojs.Vlc.prototype.enterFullScreen = function(){ this.getApi().video.fullscreen = true; this.player_.trigger('fullscreenchange'); }; videojs.Vlc.prototype.exitFullScreen = function(){ this.getApi().video.fullscreen = false; this.player_.trigger('fullscreenchange'); }; videojs.Vlc.prototype.getApi = function() { return this.el_; }; videojs.Vlc.registerEvent = function(vlc, event, handler) { if (vlc) { if (vlc.attachEvent) { // Microsoft vlc.attachEvent (event, handler); } else if (vlc.addEventListener) { // Mozilla: DOM level 2 vlc.addEventListener(event, handler, false); } else { // DOM level 0 vlc['on' + event] = handler; } } }; videojs.Vlc.unregisterEvent = function(vlc, event, handler) { if (vlc) { if (vlc.detachEvent) { // Microsoft vlc.detachEvent (event, handler); } else if (vlc.removeEventListener) { // Mozilla: DOM level 2 vlc.removeEventListener(event, handler, false); } else { // DOM level 0 vlc['on' + event] = null; } } }; videojs.Vlc.embed = function (placeHolder, params, attributes) { var code = videojs.Vlc.getEmbedCode(params, attributes); // Get element by embedding code and retrieving created element var obj = videojs.Component.prototype.createEl('div', { innerHTML: code }).childNodes[0]; var par = placeHolder.parentNode; placeHolder.parentNode.replaceChild(obj, placeHolder); return obj; }; videojs.Vlc.getEmbedCode = function(params, attributes) { var objTag, key, paramsString = '', attrsString = ''; if(window.ActiveXObject) { objTag = ''; } // Create Attributes string for (key in attributes) { attrsString += (key + '="' + attributes[key] + '" '); } return objTag + attrsString + '>' + paramsString + ''; } else { objTag = ''; } }; videojs.Vlc.getAbsoluteURL = function(url){ // Check if absolute URL if (!url.match(/^https?:\/\//)) { // Convert to absolute URL. url = videojs.Component.prototype.createEl('div', { innerHTML: 'x' }).firstChild.href; } return url; }; /* Vlc Support Testing */ videojs.Vlc.isSupported = function () { var vlc; if(window.ActiveXObject) { try { vlc = new window.ActiveXObject('VideoLAN.VLCPlugin.2'); } catch(e) {} } else if(navigator.plugins && navigator.mimeTypes.length > 0) { var name = 'VLC'; if (navigator.plugins && (navigator.plugins.length > 0)) { for(var i=0;i always accept to play a source return 'maybe'; };